March 5, 2016 A Google A Day

This is the first time doing A Google A Day in a long time! Anyway, here is today's!

Question #1

Category: History

Question: Who was appointed to the High Court of Australia on the same day that the first woman was appointed to that bench?

Total Possible Points: 300 points

Answer: John Toohey

Hint: Brewery

First Letters: J _ _ _ T _ _ _ _ _

Question #2

Category: History

Question: At the time of signing, what was the title of the man who is the first of the two names in the name of the 1901 treaty that nullified the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty?

Total Possible Points: 600 points

Answer: Secretary of State

Hint: Clinton

First Letters: S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O _ S _ _ _ _

Question #3

Category: Geography

Question: What region of the U.S. was the focus of ice-breaking operations by the U.S. Coastguard in 2011?

Total Possible Points: 1200 points

Answer: Great Lakes Region

Hint: Taconite

First Letters: G _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ R _ _ _ _ _


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