2014 RoboCop Movie Review

My dad told me that RoboCop 2014 has a similar plot as the original Robocop 1987, but it is much better to express the humanism of the RoboCop as a father and husband that were missing in the older version, making it a much better story. An interesting part of the 1987 RoboCop and the 2014 RoboCop is the dominated concept that changes in the USA roll. The 1987 RoboCop was dominated by the Japanese power by the private OCP company.The 2014 RoboCop is controlled by USA, but its manufacturer is located in China. It is an interesting reflection of the social confidence in the US society between 1987 and 2014. The CEO of the Omnicorp (the manufacturer) tries to manipulate the politics and public opinion to put the OCP company in a good position by destroying Murphy's family and treating the RoboCop not as a human being but as the property of the OCP company. Murphy (the Robocop) rejected the treatment, and stood alone to prove himself as a human being, a father of his son and a husband of his wife. It is worth to watch; I would rate this movie 5 stars out of 5.

2014 RoboCop trailer
1987 RoboCop trailer


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