This Boring Post I Made a Long Time Ago 1

          You know that there are atoms. But did you know that there are smaller particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons? They are the particles that make up the atom, and even protons and neutrons consist of smaller particles called quarks (electrons are also called leptons). Some scientists propose that these extremely small particles are made up of even smaller particles called preons. But many experiments either consider the size of a quark as 0 or as 0.1 to 0.02 % the size of a proton. Because of this — and the fact that it would have to fit inside quarks, which have to fit inside the proton/neutron itself — proving the fact that preons exist might be disapproved. If we came up with a nonzero (or even better: a more precise) size for the quark, the proof for the theory of the quark will be supported. More information about the article this post was based on is here: Scientific American Volume 307 No. 5


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